

這是根據之前畫的大熊貓素描而完成的水彩版本。This was completed base on my previous sketch of gaint panda .

在網上找到一些移印教學,把素描印到水彩紙上再上色。第一次用色鉛筆 (水彩木顏色),原來筆芯蠻軟的,不像小學時用的木顏色那種觸感(本人雖有在琴行學過畫,但算不上正規美術課程,所以對於別的媒介不是很了解),背景用水彩處理,不過處理得不是很好。-_-"

Find a tutorial about transfering the sketch into watercolor paper in you tube. This is the first time to use color pencils and find that the graphite inside is quite soft. The touch is quite different of those color pencils I have used when I was in primary school. (Although I learnt painting in a piano shop before, it was not a proper art course. So I am not familiar with different media). Background using watercolor but it was ugly. -_-"




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